The warranty that your kitchen manufacturer in Richmond Hill is going to provide you with may not be the first thing you consider when shopping for new cabinets, countertops and appliances but it really should be at the top of your list of priorities. As you will see in the section below, kitchen warranties can save you a lot of hassle and expense in the long run, which is why it is important to establish exactly what your manufacturer’s warranty will cover and what it will not.
What the Warranty from Your Kitchen Manufacturer in Richmond Hill Should Include
While every manufacturer’s terms and conditions may vary, a good warranty should include all of the following:
Individual Appliances – If your kitchen manufacturer is supplying new appliances as part of the installation agreement, you should make sure that you receive individual warranties for each appliance or, failing that, a blanket warranty that covers all the new appliances being supplied. The length of the warranties, if provided individually, may vary from one appliance to the next but the minimum period for each one should be at least a year. In the case of white goods such as fridge freezers, a 10-year warranty for the compressor is not out of the ordinary.
Fixtures and Fittings – All of the cabinets, countertops, lighting and plumbing accessories that your kitchen manufacturer in Richmond Hill installs should be covered by their own warranty. Again, the length of time that each item is covered for may vary but you should definitely expect 12 months as a minimum. Granite countertops and other hardwearing items may be covered for considerably longer.
Materials – The wood, electrical wiring, water pipes, tiles, paint and other materials that your kitchen manufacturer uses during the refurbishment should all be covered by the warranty for manufacturing defects. In the event that any material should be found to be defective at some point after the project has been completed, your manufacturer should be prepared to replace the material in question at no cost to you. The warranty will, of course, exclude normal wear and tear.
Labour – Last but not least, you should make sure that the warranty you receive covers the workmanship as well as the materials. If it should become evident that poor workmanship has caused damage to some of the materials, or to some of the appliances, fixtures and fittings, you will want to be able to request a cost free repair or replacement as appropriate. This is one of the areas you should study carefully when evaluating a kitchen manufacturer’s warranty terms as not all companies provide comprehensive cover.
If you would like to work with a kitchen manufacturer in Richmond Hill that is not afraid to stand behind its work by providing a fully comprehensive warranty for all new installations, please feel free to contact us by phone during business hours or to send us an email at any time. We look forward to meeting all of your kitchen remodeling needs in the very near future.